Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Ivilizations of the Americas Mayan, Aztec, and Incan...

â€Å"The engineers showed great cleverness and skill in supplying water for the crops, since only scattered sections of the land could grow corn. For this reason, they endeavored to increase its fertility as much as possible.† This was a quote from Garciasco de la Vega, a son of a Spanish explorer and an Incan princess, which described a method of farming in the Incan empire in 1539. The three most advanced civilizations were the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas. All three civilizations made major accomplishments, all being added upon and used by other civilizations. For example, the Mayans had created a calendar with three hundred sixty-five and a quarter days. The Incas had created terrace farming to create better and a larger amount of†¦show more content†¦Terrace farming was needed to provide flat land to plant on and expose the fertile soil in the mountain (O.I). Along with producing more farmland, the Incas used fertilizer to produce more crops (O.I). The Azte cs, Mayans, and Incas had made multiple major accomplishments that have impacted our world today. For example, the Mayans had created a calendar containing three-hundred sixty-five and a quarter days and became one of the most accurate calendars of the known world. The Incas had accomplished creating irrigation systems that are being studied and used today. Another prime example is how the Aztecs had the largest city of the known world, which was home to over 150,000 people with a variety of highly organized markets. How was it that these three civilizations came to contribute so many accomplishments without any influence from other civilizations such as the European, Roman, and

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

John Locke And His Ideas Of Rebellion During The English...

John Locke was an English writer, and his writings were based on the events that took place during the Glorious Revolution in England in 1689, when the people of England overthrew King James II. John Locke was interestingly enough, brought up in a loyalist and Evangelical family. He was born to a very wealthy family, and received much prestige in Oxford for his connections to the higher ups. Locke presented his ideas of rebellion during the English civil war which took place in the mid-1600s, in favor of the revolts against the King’s rule in England at the time. John Locke graduated with a degree in medicine from Oxford University. He spent his entire life living in England until he was exiled to Holland, after the English government found his writings on the freedom from religion to be defiant of the king’s authority. The main idea that Locke was trying to establish was that rebellions against tyrannical governments should be viewed in a respected eye from the rest of the world. He used the â€Å"Treatises of Government† to differentiate the rule of a civil government and an uncivil government. Without the influence of a rebellious Englishman there may never have been the United States of America. Some of the founding fathers have been firm believers in the ideas posed in John Locke’s â€Å"Second Treatise of Government†. The one idea that can be seen quite clearly is the complete dissenting stance taken by Locke on the thought of monarchy in civil government. â€Å"Absolute monarchy,Show MoreRelatedThomas Hobbes And John Locke1426 Words   |  6 Pagespolitical philosophers in Europe --Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke. England was in constant unrest, choosing new forms of government almost on a whim in desperate attempts to restore order in the Country. The English Civil War in 1642 etched a legacy of dread in the people of England, and the war only appeared more disastrous and fruitless when it became apparent the new Puritanical regime was just as irresponsible as the previous regime by Charles I and his predecessor James I. Therefore, when the GloriousRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence By John Locke1294 Words   |  6 Pagesand to provide new Guards for their future security. – The Declaration of Independence John Locke, perhaps the greatest single influence on early American political thought, studied and articulated truths that had been simply assumed. His experiences during the English Civil War and efforts to bring about the Glorious Revolution led him to search for ways to legitimize resistance to an overbearing king. His final argument, the Second Treatise of Government, clarifies British constitutional lawsRead MoreAnalysis and Historical Context from Second Treatise of Civil Government by John Locke1152 Words   |  5 PagesCOMMENTARY OF ‘SECOND TREATISE OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT’: The previous fragment we’ve read belongs to the work of John Locke, ‘Second Treatise of Civil Government’, who published it anonymously in 1689. It is a work of political philosophy, in which Locke talks about civil society, natural rights and separation of powers. Locke was one of the first empirical philosophers and he believed that the human being was born with no knowledge, and that experience and observation were the base of all human wisdomRead MoreJohn Locke : The Most Influential Philosophical And Political Thinker917 Words   |  4 PagesThe Key to Locke John Locke â€Å"proved to be the most influential philosophical and political thinker of the seventeenth century† (Kagen 213). He lived in a period of great political change; Locke’s upbringing came to influence his philosophies, and these ideas had much significance in regards to the Enlightenment. Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in Wrington, Somerset (John Locke 9: 478). Early on came the outbreak of the English Civil War. Anglican and possessing Puritan sympathies, Locke’s fatherRead MoreCommon Sense By Thomas Paine992 Words   |  4 Pagesdemand of the people. Much shorter, but just as equally influential, The Declaration of Independence was a famous document that was authored primarily by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson mentions how the colonies should be considered as equals with their English counterparts and why it is important for man to have freedom. Paine and Jefferson both want Americans to succeed, but they also have some notable differences in their documents. The Declaration of Independence called for the colonists to have theRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution3055 Words   |  13 PagesWhen the American Revolution first broke out, many countries did not give the colonies more than a passing thought; most assumed that this rebellion would qu ickly be quelled by the world renowned British army and the colonies would once again be under their control. However, under the leadership of military officers and the guidance of laws and proclamations set forth by the Founding Fathers, America succeeded in their revolution against the control of Britain. Textbooks and teachers have praisedRead MoreCritically Examine Hobbess Conception of the State of Nature1655 Words   |  7 Pagesof state of nature was developed by Hobbes in his famous work, Leviathan, in which he also set out his doctrine of the foundation of states and legitimate governments which was based on his social contract theories. Leviathan was written during the English Civil War, so much of his theory concentrates on the need for the presence of a strong central authority within society in order to avoid the evils of rebellion and civil war. Hobbes developed his state of nature by contemplating what life wouldRead MoreAbigail Adams : The American Revolution Essay1 288 Words   |  6 PagesAbigail Adams: Born November 11, 1774 in Weymouth, MA. She’s the wife of John Adams, first lady of the United States, and the son of John Quincy Adams. In particular, she played a huge role in the American Revolution. Abigail Adams served as the Massachusetts Colony General Court who commissioned her, along with a few other women, to talk to ladies in the area who were loyal to the British. This was only the first of her dealings with women s influence in politics. Because she and her husband wereRead MoreWhy The Scottish Referendum Was The Right Of The People?2346 Words   |  10 Pagesempires of the Greeks and Roman colonizing the Mediterranean region during the classical period, to the colonization of the Americas, Africa and Asia by England, France, Spain and Portugal, to the Soviet Union, colonization has been a theme throughout history. In some cases, those being colonized have benefitted from the protection and resources of their powerful col onizer but in many cases it has led to suffering and despair. As John Locke once said, â€Å"Revolt is the right of the people.† Revolt can comeRead MoreThe Magna Carta, English Bill Of Rights, And Philosophers1459 Words   |  6 Pagesabout our past and how we came to be in the world we live in today. History can help you learn about our ancestor’s origins and cultures. In English Political Heritage there were many important events, but the influence of the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, and Philosophers were the most important. The Magna Carta was signed in 1215 by King John of England. The Magna Carta limited the power of the king, meaning he was no longer above the law and had to follow the law. The citizens also

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Shallow free essay sample

Students will appreciate the multi-disciplinary nature of societal issues such as technology, communication, the internet. Students will explore the scientific, social, economic, political and artistic nature of technology-related challenges facing society. Finally, students will continue to take charge of your own liberal arts education. This course requires a significant amount of self-discipline and independent motivation. To get the most out Of this course, students must UT their own best effort into the course.The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think?rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with the thoughts of other men. Dewey John We should never lose our zest for living, our excitement and enthusiasm, our curiosity, our desire to know. The person who does is certainly blind to the world, its miracles and possibilities, and ones own possibilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Shallow or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Earl Nightingale Academic Integrity Policy Students of the university must conduct themselves in accordance with the shiest standards of academic honesty and integrity.Failure to maintain academic integrity will not be tolerated. The following definitions are provided for understanding and clarity. Definitions of Plagiarism, Cheating and Academic Dishonesty Student plagiarism is the deliberate presentation of the writing or thinking of another as the students own. In written or oral work a student may make fair use of quotations, ideas, images, etc. , that appear in others work only if the student gives appropriate credit to the original authors, thinkers, owners or creators of that work. This includes material found on the internet and in electronic databases.Cheating entails the use of unauthorized or prohibited aid in accomplishing assigned academic tasks. Obtaining unauthorized help on examinations, using prohibited notes on closed-note examinations, and depending on others for writing of essays or the creation of other assigned work are all forms of cheating. Academic dishonesty may also include other acts intended to misrepresent the authorship of academic work. Deliberate acts threatening the integrity of library materials or the smooth operation of laboratories are among possible acts of academic dishonesty.Sanctions for Violations of Academic Integrity If an instructor determines that a student has violated the academic integrity policy, the instructor may choose to impose a sanction, ranging from refusal to accept a w ork product to a grade F for the assignment to a grade F for the course. When a sanction has been imposed, the instructor will inform the student in writing. The instructor must also inform the student that she/he has the right to appeal this sanction, and refer the student to the Academic Appeals Process described in the Bulletin of the Rosary College of Arts and Sciences.The instructor will send a copy of this letter to the Dean of the Rosary College of Arts and Sciences. The Dean will note whether a student has committed multiple violations of the academic integrity policy over time, and in such cases the Dean may institute a process leading to possible further sanctions, including suspension or expulsion from the university Mutual Respect in the Discussion Forums An atmosphere of mutual respect and courtesy will be maintained in the discussion forums. The teacher and students will respond politely and civilly to any opinions expresses by any member of the class.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sedimentary Rocks Essays (181 words) - Petrology, Stratigraphy

Sedimentary Rocks 1)a. The first stated that sedimentary rocks are laid down in a horizontal manner, and the second stated that younger rock units were deposited on top of older rock units. b. The idea that natural geologic processes were uniform in frequency and magnitude throughout time, an idea known as the principle of uniformitarianism. c. In 1815 Smith produced a geologic map of England in which he successfully demonstrated the validity of the principle of faunal succession. This principle simply stated that fossils are found in rocks in a very definite order. This principle led others that followed to use fossils to define increments within a relative time scale. 2) 3) a. 540 the oldest animal fossils 1700 approximate origin of Eukaryotes 2000 transition oxygen atmosphere 3600 oldest known fossil 3700 oldest known rocks b. The time that humans have been on the earth would be erased. 4) a. 4.5 to 3.8 billion years ago b. The Earth and other planets would have been molten at the beginning of their histories. Solidification of the molten material into rocks happened as the Earth cooled. Philosophy

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Comfort

Free Essays on Comfort Comfort Velour balancing on stout wooden legs Adopted from a residence that smelled like cookies Better known to me as Grandma Morton’s house It is superior to me, and huskier around the sides Its legs are built like a gymnasts’, strong and self-righteous Its casing is a sugary pink, My bony fingers glide against its smoothness Limp and weaker bodies melt into the warm consoling fabric Like caramel alongside chocolate It is slightly worn like a mended heart from an old lover A friend you can forever go to, tell your secrets Victorian velour chair...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Calculator Example Program (With Java Code)

A Calculator Example Program (With Java Code) The following Java code is for a simple calculator. There are nine JButtons to represent the numbers 1 to 9, and three JButtons for addition, subtraction and totaling the result. A JTextField at the top keeps track of the numbers being pressed and the result of the arithmetic operation. Java Code The purpose of this Java program  is to show how to implement an  ActionListener  interface for handling JButton button  event  clicks by using the containing class, an inner class, and  an anonymous inner class. //Imports are listed in full to show whats being used //could just import javax.swing.* and java.awt.* etc.. import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JButton; import java.awt.Container; public class SimpleCalc implements ActionListener{ JFrame guiFrame; JPanel buttonPanel; JTextField numberCalc; int calcOperation 0; int currentCalc; //Note: Typically the main method will be in a //separate class. As this is a simple one class //example its all in the one class. public static void main(String[] args) { //Use the event dispatch thread for Swing components EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { Override public void run() { new SimpleCalc(); } }); } public SimpleCalc() { guiFrame new JFrame(); //make sure the program exits when the frame closes guiFrame.setDefaultClo seOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); guiFrame.setTitle(Simple Calculator); guiFrame.setSize(300,300); //This will center the JFrame in the middle of the screen guiFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); numberCalc new JTextField(); numberCalc.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT); numberCalc.setEditable(false); guiFrame.add(numberCalc, BorderLayout.NORTH); buttonPanel new JPanel(); //Make a Grid that has three rows and four columns buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,3)); guiFrame.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); //Add the number buttons for (int i1;i10;i) { addButton(buttonPanel, String.valueOf(i)); } JButton addButton new JButton(); addButton.setActionCommand(); OperatorAction subAction new OperatorAction(1); addButton.addActionListener(subAction); JButton subButton new JButton(-); subButton.setActionCommand(-); OperatorAction addAction new OperatorAction(2); subButton.addActionListener(addAction); JButton equalsButton new JButton(); equalsButton.setActionCommand(); eq ualsButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (!numberCalc.getText().isEmpty()) { int number Integer.parseInt(numberCalc.getText()); if (calcOperation 1) { int calculate currentCalc number; numberCalc.setText(Integer.toString(calculate)); } else if (calcOperation 2 { int calculate currentCalc - number; numberCalc.setText(Integer.toString(calculate)); } } } }); buttonPanel.add(addButton); buttonPanel.add(subButton); buttonPanel.add(equalsButton); guiFrame.setVisible(true); } //All the buttons are following the same pattern //so create them all in one place. private void addButton(Container parent, String name) { JButton but new JButton(name); but.setActionCommand(name); but.addActionListener(this); parent.add(but); } //As all the buttons are doing the same thing its //easier to make the class implement the ActionListener //interface and control the button clicks from one place Override public void actionPerform ed(ActionEvent event) { //get the Action Command text from the button String action event.getActionCommand(); //set the text using the Action Command text numberCalc.setText(action); } private class OperatorAction implements ActionListener { private int operator; public OperatorAction(int operation) { operator operation; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { currentCalc Integer.parseInt(numberCalc.getText()); calcOperation operator; } } }

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International trade between Kuwait and the World Essay

International trade between Kuwait and the World - Essay Example Petroleum production accounts for almost 95% of export revenues and provides 80% of government’s income (Moore 179). The rising oil prices around the world have significantly influenced Kuwait’s economic growth. Its government has been keen on reducing the overreliance of oil through the transformation into a regional trading and enhancing Kuwait as a tourism hub (Dianne, Peter, and Nasser 1-15) Kuwait is very active on food imports, vehicles and also construction materials and services. Despite Kuwait’s relatively small population, itis firmly placing itself among the world’s most popular and attractive markets for many leading international franchises. The major motivating factor to these franchises lies on the young, strong shopping and consumer culture and the affluent population that has a great affinity for international brands. It is a suitable destination for retailers around the world seeking to extend their footprint. Kuwait’s law restricts foreign firms from opening branches solely in the country, but retailers can enter in the market through joint ventures and partnership with the locally incorporated companies (Moore 128). Before venturing into any market, it is always advisable to explore several factors such as the culture of the people, economic overview, geographical factors, religion, living standards, and the people’s responsiveness to international businesses. Habitants of the Gulf region are not anyhow strangers to conflicts and contradictions. Many are the idiosyncrasies that have shaped the region in both the ancient and the modern times. In the country, there have been contacts with the western countries and most their corporations and these have resulted to a commendable improvement to the region (Dianne 6). It has been through encouragement for better education, increased communication, greater mobility and an improved healthcare. Though cultural conflicts are now minimal, in the past

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Teacher Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teacher Interview - Essay Example hool, he also participates in harmonizing the objectives of various schools in the district to come up with a common goal that is focused on accomplishing a shared vision. Through interaction with other teachers, he is able to understand the necessary resources for teaching and learning. He is also able to develop new learning opportunities for the teachers and students. Instructional leadership is one of the significant strategies in developing a focused student centered learning environment (Goleman, 2002). Instructional leadership has had significant benefits to the teacher’s role. It has led to a widened scope of learning beyond the classroom and with more people participating in the enhancement of learning. This has made it easy for the teacher to accomplish his duties as the head, contrary to the conventional authoritarian style where the administrator needed not to consult with others (Hargreaves & Fink, 2004). The teachers are presented with a favorable environment to carry out their duties especially through participating in goal setting, which makes empowers them especially by feeling as part of the institution and hence deliver knowledge to the students in a better way. The school is ranked among the best performers in the district, while the students are motivated to accomplish their educational goals through the collaboration that exists among the teachers. Professional leadership is among the leadership styles that are significant in developing focus and vision, which the head teacher uses to promote a sense of purpose for the institution. The teachers are assigned roles depending on their capabilities with the purpose of encouraging them to participate in decision making as regards the various areas that they supervise. Authority is distributed to the teachers and all participate in developing policies that affect learning in the school. The head teacher is always aware of the progress in all classes, including the information that is being

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example for Free

Criminal Justice Essay In my essay I will explicate how the various aspect of criminal justice relate to one another as well as why it so important in society. Criminal Justice refers to the facet of social justice that concern violators of criminal law. The community interest within the criminal justice system demands the apprehension and punishment of law violators (Schmalleger, 2012, pg. 7). The concept of criminal justice is that someone or persons accused of crimes are innocent till proven guilty though the proof is overwhelming. The three major elements of the criminal justice system are the police, the courts and the correctional facility and everyone play a major role within the criminal justice system. These processes involve a series of steps starting with a criminal investigation and ending with the discharge of a convicted offender from correctional supervision. The primary element of the criminal justice system is law enforcement. Police are public agencies whose functions are to take care of order within the community, manage crime by implementing the criminal law, and supply accommodations. They assist the prosecution by getting proof compulsory to convict an offender in court. Within the policing method the subsequent problems are dealt with: the crime, initial contact either with the victim or the suspect, investigation, apprehend and custody. The second element is that the court system. This is where the person charged with committing a criminal offense has their case determined by a judge or jury. Its within the court system where justice and truth prevails. Its the prosecutors’ job to ascertain his or her case. The defense is there for the offender and therefore the judge is there to stay order on each side. Within the court process charging, preliminary hearing perceiving of whether or not or not an arraignment or grand jury hearing, bail or detention, plea negotiations, trail/adjudication and sentencing takes place. Lastly is the correctional facility. At Tallahatchie County Correctional Facility we’ve been told that our agencies purpose is to up hold the penalization that was imposed by the court, to rehabilitate, and maintain safety. Whether public or behind the fence, we must maintain safety. During this stage its determined whether or not you go home or to jail, parole/probation or house apprehend. These agencies process suspects, defendants, and convicted offenders and are interdependent insofar because the selections of one agency have an effect on different agencies. The importance of criminal justice system in our society goes without verbally expressing. If you take a glance around without those systems in place crime rates would be at an all-time high. Applied to society, criminal justice is the system that guarantees fairness and equal treatment to any underneath its guidance. The agencies directly or indirectly associated with the criminal justice system have an effect on everything that transpires in our everyday lives. Law enforcement ascertains that laws are being obeyed; judges ascertain that people who transgress the law are penalization fairly and attorneys ascertain that everybody has a voice in a court of law. The components of the criminal justice system are the police, courts and corrections. All of these components have on common goal and that’s to protect society from crime and criminals. Our criminal justice system plays a vital role in ensuring that this is done. Without our criminal justice system it would be like the quote from Dr. Martin Luther King; â€Å"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Listening Skills Essay -- Listening Skills Listen Essays

Listening Skills   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The importance of listening effectively is obvious to our everyday activities. The fundamentals of listening appear to be quite simple; however, with a little thought on the matter, the depth of the listening is far from basic. The similarities between hearing and listening can be deceiving. Hearing is a physical process and listening is both physical and psychological. There are several purposes of listening. If you are a good listener, it will be a huge help in school, at work, in relationship, and in other situations. Another positive benefit of being a good listener is the ability to easily express information and communicate with others. You can listen to understand, listen to appreciate and you can listen critically. Dr. Laura Schlessenger is a perfect example of a professional listener who applies various listening techniques in her occupation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. Laura?s listening to appreciate skills are relevant when she takes a call from Lisa, regarding her daughter. First, Dr. Laura is listening and paying close attention to Lisa?s story, trying to concentrate and understand what is being told on this topic. These factors are important in listening to appreciate. According to Lisa?s story, Dr. Laura discovers that Lisa?s daughter is having financial trouble. She went through all of the acts to purchase a car although she did not have money to pay for it. To make a long story short, Lisa?s daughter was approved for a loan from the bank, but at th...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Case Analysis of IKEA Invades America

IKEA is a private home products retailer, which deals internationally in flat pack furniture, accessories, and bathroom and kitchen items. IKEA is the company which is being regarded as the pioneer in flat-pack designed furniture; this firm is now the largest furniture manufacturer of the world, with 120,000 employees around the globe.The revenues of IKEA have been growing at a rapid pace in the past few years, in the fiscal year of 2008-2009 these amounts soared up to $28.8 billion USD; this indicates a growth of 7 percent in comparison of the last year. The reason behind this rapid growth of IKEA is that it has been focusing on providing the market with affordable home furnishing products (Grant, 2005,p.120) that it is why it has been a major success all across the world especially in Europe where middle class earners have become citizens of the IKEA world.Delivering value priced home furnishing products has been the intention of IKEA since its formation way back in 1943. IKEA has been on the verge of a major success in the American market as its stakes are rising in the US since every passing day; no doubt that the managers at IKEA have devised some ingenious strategies which have earned this multinational giant a strong position in the North-American market as well.The American market is majorly divided into two prime segments and the basis of this division is price. The low and the middle class customers tend to buy from different local outlets or marts (like Wal-Mart, Target etc) due to the expensive nature of the products offered by the stylish and the renowned brands. Whilst the upper class opts for the luxurious and classy outlets where the goods are overpriced, these sellers regard their products as â€Å"onetime buy†.If we analyze IKEA’s strategy on the other hand; it caters to the low and the middle classes primarily by providing them the right value of   their money, not only this the missing feature of style is also added by IKEA, and hence the Americans are getting influenced by the IKEA magic. The share of the premium priced sellers is not much in the American market (merely 14-15 percent), so the strategy of IKEA is gaining it the market share and thus it is being translated in the revenue account.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Acts of congress summary

Politics First Chapter Nine continues with an examination of Barney Frank, the Democrat who served as the senior leader of the House Financial Services Committee that was responsible with researching, marking up, rewriting, and passing proposed legislation that would prohibit another financial crisis from developing in the future.However, while waiting for the release the administration's white paper, which helped inform and educate members of Congress about White House proposals, Frank found himself in the midst of a potential political rebellion from in Congress, nd even from within his own party. Many moderates balked at Franks more aggressive reform proposals, while liberals found it treasonous that he was collaborating with banks, the very institutions that they held responsible for the onset of the financial crisis and the beneficiaries of TARP†Troubled Asset Relief Program.One such critic was Senator Dick Durban, who rejected the idea ofa bank bail-out, and was disappoin ted that banks were still in a position to politic in Washington. Frank disagreed, asserting that the big banks were losing steam in Washington and the evidence was simple: they could not prohibit the passage of redit card legislation that protected consumers. In an effort to gain support and educate members of Congress, Franks staff put on a serious of workshops and work sessions for members.In addition to his efforts to placate liberals, Frank threw his support behind provisions that would ultimately become the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau†an idea first presented by Elizabeth Warren in an article for the journal Democracy. The legislation became important but the â€Å"blues and news,† the old and new moderate factions of the Democratic party of each party, were already rowning in health care legislation, breaking Franks declaration that the new legislation would pass before Congress' summer vacation.Key Points/Details Big banks were largely to blame, but coll ateral damage of the bank fallout could be small banks and credit unions – The press was largely to blame, in Franks mind, for overstating the political clout that big banks and Wall Street had What would their influence be in the process of writing new legislation – Frank recruited the Democratic members of the House Committee on Financial Services (Banking Committee) who he held in highest esteem to work on issues for the reform bill –Frank favored three hallmarks for reform that might relieve liberals who were nervous that banks were not bearing the brunt of responsibility for the crisis o Credit card bill – more transparency from issuers of credit cards o Subprime mortgage bill – bill that banned many subprime mortgages and required that lenders would require companies to give stockholders a chance to give feedback about Though Frank had originally been hesitant to support such a executive pay – provision, White House backing, growing su pport from among popular and powerful Democrats (Clinton, Edwards, etc. polling numbers that seemed to indicate that the public favored it, and convincing arguments from Harvard law professor – and current US Senator from Massachusetts – Elizabeth Warren, persuaded Frank to throw his support behind the creation of a new regulatory agency (CFPA/b). Agency would regulate American financial firms and the services and products that they offer to the public –> Independent agency under the Federal Reserve Board o Frank felt pressure from both sides – the administration as well as hesitant, moderate â€Å"news and blues† – of his own party Many were worried that supporting the creation of he agency would leave them vulnerable in upcoming elections in vulnerable districts o Proposed health care and â€Å"cap and trade† legislation distracted both Congress and the public –Frank began to recognize that he had to do more to reassure his c olleagues that this agency was a good idea Worked to cajole them and gain their support o By the end of the chapter, Frank is convinced that he is right and that he will be able to get such legislation passed Terms: derivatives rating agencies systemic risk regulator subprime mortgages consumer protection â€Å"say on pay' Elizabeth Warren Price gouging Payday lender Office of Legislative Council CFPA / CFPB Chapter 10 – An Impotent Minority Chapter 10 focuses on the struggles of Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) and the rest of his party to reconcile their desire to reform the financial sector but not seem to bow to the desires of the Democrats. Rep. Bachus, a moderate Republican who before the crash had proposed legislation regulating subprime mortgages only to be rebuffed by his more conservative colleagues, favored bipartisan efforts.He was up against an increasingly conservative House Republican caucus, who were led by radicals who ere emboldened by redistricting in their stat es that left them with little need to proposal for financial reform, undercutting the release of the administration white paper by a week. This proposal overwhelmingly focused on the principle that they would not stand for future â€Å"bailouts† of the Wall Street institutions that were responsible for the financial crisis. Though the plan garnered little media attention, and did not include many of the provisions laid out in the White House bill, it did indicate that Congressional Republicans recognized the reality that comprehensive financial reform was necessary. TARP Republican Study Committee

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Harlem Renaissance

In 1904 several middleclass African American families moved away from the decaying conditions of Black Bohemia of midtown into the newly-built suburb of Harlem. This initiated a move north of educated African Americans and a foothold into Harlem. In 1910 a large block along 135th and Fifth Ave was bought up by various African American realtors and a church group. These purchases caused a "white flight" and lowered realestate prices. As World War I approached, a shortage of labour ensued at the generous supply of European unskilled labour ceased to flow into New York City. From the southern states came vast numbers of African Americans attracted not only by the prospect of paid labour but an escape from the inherent inequities and blatant institutional racism of the South. There were various patrons of the arts, both black and white, including the very wealthy A'Lelia Walker who ran an influential salon, the Dark Tower from her home, Countee Cullen (the Romantic poet), Nora Thurston Z eale (anthropologist), Langston Hughes (playwright and poet) Three main political figures kept the hopes of freedom for African Americans alive and made Harlem a political hotbed of activities. The three figures were the pious, integrationalist W.E.B. Dubois, the James Weldon Johnston and finally the charismatic Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey. 1935 marks the end of the era known as the Harlem Renaissance. It was mostly the result of Depression economics, but also in part due to the premature death of the patron A'Lelia Walker in 1934, Countee Cullen.... Free Essays on The Harlem Renaissance Free Essays on The Harlem Renaissance In 1904 several middleclass African American families moved away from the decaying conditions of Black Bohemia of midtown into the newly-built suburb of Harlem. This initiated a move north of educated African Americans and a foothold into Harlem. In 1910 a large block along 135th and Fifth Ave was bought up by various African American realtors and a church group. These purchases caused a "white flight" and lowered realestate prices. As World War I approached, a shortage of labour ensued at the generous supply of European unskilled labour ceased to flow into New York City. From the southern states came vast numbers of African Americans attracted not only by the prospect of paid labour but an escape from the inherent inequities and blatant institutional racism of the South. There were various patrons of the arts, both black and white, including the very wealthy A'Lelia Walker who ran an influential salon, the Dark Tower from her home, Countee Cullen (the Romantic poet), Nora Thurston Z eale (anthropologist), Langston Hughes (playwright and poet) Three main political figures kept the hopes of freedom for African Americans alive and made Harlem a political hotbed of activities. The three figures were the pious, integrationalist W.E.B. Dubois, the James Weldon Johnston and finally the charismatic Black Nationalist Marcus Garvey. 1935 marks the end of the era known as the Harlem Renaissance. It was mostly the result of Depression economics, but also in part due to the premature death of the patron A'Lelia Walker in 1934, Countee Cullen....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Salve Regina Admissions and Acceptance Rate

Salve Regina Admissions and Acceptance Rate With an acceptance rate of 68  percent, admissions at Salve Regina University are fairly open. Students with good grades and test scores are likely to get in. Those interested in applying to the school will need to submit an application (which can be filled out and submitted online), official transcripts of high school work, two letters of recommendation, and a personal essay. For more information about these requirements, be sure to visit the schools admission web pages. Also, if you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the admissions office at the school. You can calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Salve Regina University Acceptance Rate: 68  percentTest Scores: Salve Regina is now test-optional)SAT score comparison for Rhode IslandACT score comparison for Rhode Island Salve Regina University Description Founded in 1947 by the Sisters of Mercy, Salve Regina University is a Catholic university with an attractive 80-acre waterfront campus in the Ochre Point-Cliffs National Historic District of Newport, Rhode Island. Students come from 35 states and 16 countries with about 15 percent coming from  Rhode Island. Undergraduates can choose from 46 majors among which professional fields such as nursing, business, and criminal justice are quite popular. Academics are supported by a 14 to 1  student/faculty ratio. In athletics, the Salve Regina Seahawks compete in the NCAA Division II Commonwealth Coast Conference for most sports. Football competes in the New England Football Conference. The university fields 19 intercollegiate varsity sports. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 2,746  (2,124  undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 30  percent male / 70 percent female93  percent full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $37,820Books: $1400 (why so much?)Room and Board: $13,650Other Expenses: $2,300Total Cost: $55,170 Salve Regina University Financial Aid (2015 -16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 99  percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99 percentLoans: 75 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $21,548Loans: $10,313 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors:  Accounting, Biology, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, English Communications, Marketing, Nursing, Psychology, Special Education What major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 82  percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 64  percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 68  percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports:  Football, Ice Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, Cross CountryWomens Sports:  Volleyball, Track and Field, Basketball, Field Hockey, Cross Country, Lacrosse If You Like Salve Regina University, You May Also Like These Schools University of Rhode Island: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBrown University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of New Haven: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoston University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAlbertus Magnus College: Profile  Quinnipiac University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphLasell College: Profile  Endicott College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBoston College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSaint Anselm College: Profile  University of New Hampshire: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCurry College: Profile   Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Child labour and its impact on childhood and child health Essay

Child labour and its impact on childhood and child health - Essay Example The study â€Å"Child labour and its impact on childhood and child health† examines the issue of child labour on a global scale. According to the International Labour Organization, approximately 215 million children worldwide are employed as full time labour with little or no access to education and play. They have no access to proper nutrition or care and are essentially, deprived of their right to childhood. A significant number of these children live in third world countries, where the children are exposed to hazardous environments, which are deemed to be detrimental for their physical and mental health. According to estimates, almost 14 per cent of the world's children under the age of 18 are engaged in active employment. This proportion is higher in third world countries such as India, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Yemen. The interest in child labour issues has increased significantly over the recent decades indicating the gravity of the issue and its far reaching impacts on the children globally. Research indicates that the environmental conditions of workplaces play a key role in the health and well-being of the workers. Children are far more vulnerable to ill-health if made to work in extreme conditions, as compared to adults. Research suggests that due to anatomical differences between the children and adults, child workers are relatively more vulnerable to occupational health hazards. Constant exposure to carcinogens is known to cause cancer among children as compared to adults with similar amounts of exposure.... For instance, constant exposure to carcinogens is known to cause cancer among children as compared to adults with similar amounts of exposure. Furthermore children are prone to occupational injuries at work places as compared to adults, since they experience more fatigue and stress and have less knowledge and poor judgement than adults. Also, they are often made to work with tools which are mainly designed for adults thus making it difficult for them to handle them effectively (Bekele & Meyers, 1995). Furthermore child labour diversely affects the children’s education, and robs them of their basic right to rest, play, and leisure. Involvement of children in hazardous occupations at an early age may lead to serious health consequences affecting their physical as well as mental development. It may even lead to irreversible damage resulting in permanent disability (Hindman, 2009). According to WHO almost 111 million children under the age of 15 are involved in hazardous work whic h includes environments with high levels of chemicals, noise, and ergonomic risks such as lifting heavy loads etc. It also includes longer durations of work, night work, and work environments which may lead to physical and sexual harassment (WHO, 2012). It is argued that children in full time employment and forced to work for long hours are deprived of their right to leisure (Hobbs, McKechnie, and Lavalette, 1999; Haspels & Jankanish, 2000) thus resulting in emotional and psychological stress (Tienda & Wilson, 2002). Some researchers have observed that children are often paid a meagre amount for the same amount of work done by their adult peers. Furthermore child